Step 1:

Mobilize Prayer

Prayer is our primary weapon in opening doors, breaking strongholds, ensuring protection, inviting healing, and spreading the Kingdom. Without passionate prayer, the work of DMM is useless. As God hears our prayers, He chooses to accelerate our movement and expand His Kingdom into unreached areas.

That’s why, before we pray long and hard. We invite your church to join us. Before we enter a new place, we ask the Lord goes before us, preparing hearts to receive the Gospel.

Step 2: Love the Community

Empowering Women
Prayer is our primary weapon in opening doors, breaking strongholds, ensuring protection, inviting healing, and spreading the Kingdom. Without passionate prayer, the work of DMM is useless. As God hears our prayers, He chooses to accelerate our movement and expand His Kingdom into unreached areas.
That’s why, before we pray long and hard. We invite your church to join us. Before we enter a new place, we ask the Lord goes before us, preparing hearts to receive the Gospel.

Prison Ministry
In prisons, the state gathers some of the most unlikely disciple-makers from across entire regions. But we know that God delights in using the unlikely!

Prisoners understand sin, and they rejoice in forgiveness. The Gospel makes sense to them. In prison, they embrace Jesus and grow spiritually. By the time they receive freedom, they are prepared to disciple others. Former prisoners are some of the best church planters. Only the Gospel turns a thief into a giver. Only Jesus turns a harmer into a healer.

Student Ministry
God is preparing young disciples. He sets them ablaze for the Lord, and stokes them with a passion for their nation. TDMM mobilizes high-potential young people, equipping them to launch mission and prayer movements across the Horn of Africa.

Step 3:

Find the Person of Peace

Loving God means loving your neighbor. And when we do, God sparks interest in someone in the community.

This someone is called “the Person of Peace.” Jesus told us about them in Luke 10. When the Person of Peace—the local seeker whose heart God has stirred—turns to Jesus, it unleashes a tidal wave of New Life.

When we do this, God shows His Good News through healings, deliverances and feeding. And as people are fed physically, doors open for them to receive the Bread of Life. As people find clean water, doors open for them to find Living Water.

Step 4:

Launch Discovery Bible Study (DBS)

“Would you be interested in study what God’s Word says?” With that innocent question, thousands of Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) begin.

In DBS, the Word does the teaching. The Spirit does the convicting.

Persons of Peace are hungry to know what the Bible says. We form DBS groups that—every week—gather to discover God together. At the end of each DBS, we ask, “If this is true, how will we obey?” And, out of this obedience, God births a heart of radical following of His word. After all, “follower” is what disciple means.

Step 4:

Launch Discovery Bible Study (DBS)

“Would you be interested in study what God’s Word says?” With that innocent question, thousands of Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) begin.

In DBS, the Word does the teaching. The Spirit does the convicting.

Persons of Peace are hungry to know what the Bible says. We form DBS groups that—every week—gather to discover God together. At the end of each DBS, we ask, “If this is true, how will we obey?” And, out of this obedience, God births a heart of radical following of His word. After all, “follower” is what disciple means.

Step 5:

Grow DBSs into Churches

After weeks or months, the DBS grows and matures. It becomes a caring body of followers of Jesus. They worship, they serve, they study the Scripture, they pray, they obey, and they share the Gospel with others. Leaders emergeand “studies” become churches.